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'POUlspan' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 73-143
most recent 20 JUL 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUL 13 by Patricia Routley
Dear Karl Rand,
In response to your comment in HMF Plant Listing on July 19 seeking information about ‘Devon’, There is more info in the ‘Devon’ file now. Is it possible you would like to share what you have found on ‘Devon’ as well? I grow this rose and it really was very pretty the first year or so, but I think it might like more attention than I manage to give it. The spent flowers stayed in the cluster while others were opening around the deaduns. it was rather fiddly pruning them out. The bush grew about a metre high and the canes were rather diagonally spreading. After ten years there are now some thin canes on my bush about half a metre high.

The 2000 reference mentions that it was the Auckland Rose of the Year. But as far as I understand it, the incorrect synonym mentioned in that reference, ‘Enchantment’, [or Queen Margrethe] probably was the Rose of the Year in Auckland, 1997.
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