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'Agnes Emily Carman' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 32-172
most recent 3 SEP 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 DEC 08 by Cà Berta
Journal des roses. Vingtiéme année. Publication mensuelle speciale. 1 janvier 1896
Pag. 2

Rosa rugosa AGNES EMILY CORMAN, — Le Gardening nous rapporte qu'un nouvel hybride de Rosa Rugosa, vient d'être obtenu à Chicago. Le fleur de ce rosier qui est désigné sous la nom de Agnes Emily Corman, est demi-pleine, rouge vif absolument comme le Général Jacqueminot. Le bouton est très beau, allongé, mais perd un peu de son éclat lors du complet épanouissement. Le feuillage et le mode de végétation sont les mêmes que ceux du Rugosa. L'arbuste est très rustique et a supporté très bien un hiver assez rigoureux.

As you can see the original name was Corman and not Carman, and was bred in 1896 and not 1898
Reply #1 of 3 posted 9 DEC 08 by jedmar
It seems that JdR made a mistake here. The breeder was called Carman, as various references confirm.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 9 DEC 08 by Cà Berta
Apparently Chicago was far enough to let them make a mistake!!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 3 SEP 14 by CybeRose
Even Storrs & Harrison Co. spelled the name wrong, Carmen instead of Carman, even though they received the plant from Carman himself.

However, they did spell his name correctly in the same catalog when describing his potato, 'Carman No. 1'.

Also, 'Agnes Emily Carman' was already in the hands of Storrs & Harrison Co. in 1890, but difficulty in propagation delayed its introduction until 1895.
Discussion id : 80-295
most recent 31 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 AUG 14 by CybeRose
Gardening 1(2): 24 (Oct 1, 1892)
Letter from E. S. Carman:

TO THE EDITOR OF GARDENING.—Sir: You ask for a description of the Rosa rugosa hybrids I have secured—those which I have thought well worth keeping.
The strange and to me unaccountable development of this lot of hybrids is that one, with leaflets much larger than those of rugosa and of the same rugosa veining, should bear roses of the size, color and odor of Gen. Jacqueminot. This rose—named "Agnes Emily Carman", after one who has helped me in all this work more than I have helped myself—was placed in the hands of The Storrs & Harrison Co. of Ohio for propagation and introduction. Much to my sorrow difficulties were found in the propagation, so that instead of appearing before the world as the first valuable Rosa rugosa hybrid, the grand rose Georges Bruant was soon after announced in the market. This, however, is half tea blood, so that the other may still be offered— this fall I trust—as the first rugosa hybrid of hardy male parentage.
Discussion id : 80-292
most recent 31 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 AUG 14 by CybeRose
Storrs & Harrison Co., Painesville, O. 1895
Agnes Emily Carmen. This fine, hardy, free-flowering garden rose originated with Mr. E. S. Carmen at the Rural New Yorker experimental grounds. It is a cross between Rugosa Rosea and Harrison’s Yellow, both remarkably hardy, vigorous varieties, and is fully as hardy as either. The growth is robust, with dense rich foliage, somewhat similar to the Rugosa. Flowers large, semi-double, fine in the bud state. A remarkably free bloomer, and continues in bloom a long time. Color rich deep crimson. Its hardiness, strong vigorous growth and rich heavy foliage would make it popular as a hardy ornamental shrub if it did not flower, but when covered with its mass of rich crimson bloom it is doubly attractive.
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