'Forever Amber' rose Reviews & Comments
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17 JUN 08 by
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I saw this rose growing as a climber in the Huntington Rose Garden in San Marino, California. It was striking not only for its blaze of orange, fading to yellow and pink flowers, but its size. It must have gone about 15 feet into the air and at least as wide. It was one of those out of a long row of climbers that stopped each vistor to wow them. I was looking at this web site to see if anyone still sold it. Alas, their is no information! If you know, please let me know. Thank You, Sharon Radice Moore
Forever Amber is a very fragrant, British raised floribunda. As with many transplanted roses from colder climates, it gets MUCH larger here than at home. I had the pleasure of escorting a group of British and Australian rosarians visiting during one of the Huntington Rose Festivals years ago, on a tour of the modern rose beds. It was great fun showing them what their roses do when given twice the heat, light and length of growing season. I grew Forever Amber in my Santa Clarita garden for many years, but sent it to a friend who used to live in Issaquah, WA some years ago to make room for more of my own seedlings. You might contact Vintage Gardens. They had it at one time.