'Lady Sylvia' rose References
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 247. Includes photo(s). Lady Sylvia Large-flowered. William Stevens 1926. Parentage: sport from 'Madame Butterfly', which in turn is a sport from 'Ophelia'. Description... pink... until the mid 1960s, if you bought a bunch of pink roses at Covent Garden, the chances are that it would have been 'Lady Sylvia'. Today it will be 'Sonia'...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 301. Lady Sylvia Hybrid Tea, light pink, 1926, 'Mme. Butterfly' sport; Stevens, W.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 267. Lady Sylvia Hybrid Tea. Stevens, 1926. Sport of 'Ophelia'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Newsletter (1991) Page(s) 78. Vol 12, No. 1. Peter Beales: This slide is 'Madame Butterfly'. There is also one that is slightly paler called 'Ophelia' and also one that is slightly deeper called 'Lady Sylvia'.
Book (1988) Page(s) 126 (photo) - 127. Includes photo(s). Lady Sylvia Hybrid Tea. Stevens 1925. Description. Parentage: Sport from 'Ophelia'.
Website/Catalog (1983) Page(s) 25. Lady Sylvia. Bush. (Hybrid Tea). Lovely, shapely buds opening to full flowers of flesh-pink with deeper undertones. The plant is bushy and fairly vigorous. Superb scent. 1926. (C) 3 x 2’.
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 12. LADY SYLVIA (W. Stevens 1927). Rose clair légèrement teinté de jaune. + [conseillées pour fleurs coupées de plein air.]
Book (1958) Page(s) 193. Lady Sylvia. HT. (W. Stevens, '26.) Mme. Butterfly sport. Dbl., high centered, fragrant, deep Chatenay pink, suffused apricot; long strong stem.
Book (1949) Page(s) 32. C. C.Hillary. Some Impressions of Roses and Rose Culture in England. ....the principal roses sold in the florists shops. Lady Sylvia which is a delightful shade of pink, is sold in huge quantities. It is a sport from Ophelia.
Book (1947) Page(s) 28. Doreen Marriott, Port Elizabeth, South Africa Lady Sylvia, on the other hand, has good, tough foliage to set off the perfectly formed flowers. She needs severe disbudding.