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'About Face ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 53-306
most recent 7 APR 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 APR 11 by jnmccool
This is an excellent rose in my very hot, very humid (south Louisiana) summer garden. It has continuous flushes throughout the growing season and rarely suffers from any noticeable blackspot. The blooms do get smaller in the heat, but they are still very attractive. It's planted in a small, back corner of my garden that bakes all day in the summer and it really draws the eye when it's blooming. If you live in the gulf-region and want low/no maintenance roses, this is one to have.
Discussion id : 38-443
most recent 7 AUG 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 09 by monimoni
about face is a very beautiful, light orange inside and darker reddish orange blend underside, which opens to a flat english rose like button bloom. Resistant to b.s. and mildew. My plant is only 3months olds, planted in may as a bare root, but it cannot stay in the large pot i planted it in, it has quickly out grown it. I will wait until dormacy and put it in the ground along side the hot coca. Together the make a stunning attraction. A winner and the shinny thick dark green leaves accent this beautiful rose. I thought it had no scent, but the other day i noticed it has a medium spicy scent.
my about face is now over 6ft tall. I have wondered if it has turned into a sport of about face, it was so big, druing the hurricane i had to cut it down to half size so the canes would not be damaged. I noticed that some of the roses are quilted (which i love) and some are of single petals(which i hate) has anyone had this problem. If i keep getting a majority of single petals next season i will shovel this rose. Hopefully it will produce more of the quilted or double petals.
Discussion id : 37-615
most recent 29 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUN 09 by Sarah
I bought this rose, potted, during the summer last year: a little late for my region to be buying roses, but the bug bit and I had to get it. It was large then. By fall, it was already threatening the confines of the pot I had it in. I put it in the ground early this spring, and I agree with other posters - this thing is a MONSTER. On the other hand, I kind of disagree that it's "upright" - I had to buy one of those ringed plant supports (large size) and tie canes that wouldn't fit inside down to keep it from smashing its neighbors every time it got wet. It flopped... well... monsterously.

It seems to handle the heat OK here. We had our first bout of 100 degree weather a week or so ago, and it continues to push out new growth and buds. It was in afternoon shade last summer but is in full, all-day sun now, so I should be able to better evaluate its heat tolerance by the end of the summer...
Discussion id : 21-864
most recent 31 MAY 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 OCT 07 by Maurice REYBAUD
ABOUT FACE ( WEKosupalz ) : PRIDE OF CHESHIRE chez C & K Jones United Kingdom.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 OCT 07 by Cass
Thank you for the correction. The denomination WEKsupalz is never ambiguous. If nurseries would only use them all the time.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 31 MAY 09 by anonymous-257131
About Face is the best rose in my Seattle garden. Grows tall and strong and is in bloom most of the time. The flowers are pretty during every stage of bloom too. The only blackspot I get is maybe on a couple of leaves all summer, literally maybe a total of 12 leaves, and I just pick them off. I try to only spray once all summer too, so this rose is healthy. I prune all my roses to the knee in early spring and this one doesn't waste any time shooting up to over 5 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide.
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