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'Lost in Paradise' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 16-362
most recent 26 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JAN 07 by Yerfdog
This is a beautiful rose//probably should be a Mini Flora. It sometimes has a bloom large enough to fill a rose keeper. A sister seedling (Hillary) is a yb and should also be a Mini Flora, Oregon Miniatures may still have Lost in Paradise, registration evidently lost on Hillary.
Discussion id : 9-290
most recent 21 JUN 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUN 05 by Anonymous-797
Lost in Paradise is an exhibition form MN, very dark mauve and possibly Mini Flora size. It was bred by Ray Spooner and introduced in 1997. Since Ray is deceased, the class is not likely to be changed.

I also have a sister seedling from Ray that was introduced in 1997 also. It is Hillary (horrible name if you're of the other party) and it has similar form in an apricot-orange yellow blend. It did not make it into Modern Roses for some reason even though it was in the '97 buyer's guide. It is now in the official list of approved exhibition names. I'm sure it would be more widely grown if it were commercially available, but Ray's wife isn't even sure he registered it, but he did. I think they let his mother plant expired after he died.
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