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'Summerwine' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 110-401
most recent 30 APR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 APR 18 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
I find it a shame that this rose is no longer available. It is a blooming machine, and an outstanding rose in every way. I had two more plants custom budded this season simply because I believe it is worth preserving. Thank you to Chris Gon.
Discussion id : 79-675
most recent 29 JUL 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUL 14 by goncmg
This is an update! I have a maiden of this thanks to UC Davis and therefore was able to post a pic of this one. Cannot truly say how vigorous it is, with 1st year maidens it is tough to say as some do well as maidens then fail, others are slow to develop. I CAN NOW SAY I KNOW WHY THIS WAS INTRODUCED! The color of pink is very, very unique. It looks JUST LIKE SALT WATER TAFFY. When this one was dicussed in Proof of Pudding/RIR the BIGGEST issue seemed to be production and I have found there is no issue at ALL with this. That skinny, small maiden BLOOMS. AND as my photos show, those blooms are actually quite GOOD!
Discussion id : 71-901
most recent 25 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 13 by goncmg
ONE favorite vote!!!! But in the mid-70's this one hung around the J&P catalog in "heavy rotation" for many, many years! I never grew it. Looks like nobody other than UC Davis even does (I have reservations believing this one actually made it to FRANCE let alone is actually being grown there in 2013)? The POP/RIR reviews of this one were awful. Probably I don't want it. I don't even like pink that much. But slowly this abstreuse flop is becoming one of my "holy grails"................anyone have it? Want to trade some bud eyes from anything on my list?????
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