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'Daddy's Girls' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 27-915
most recent 2 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JUL 08 by Donna
Does any one know where I can find the rose "Daddy's Girls"? I live in NV but can have it shipped from elsewhere. Thanks
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 JUL 08 by Cass
Hi, Donna,
Did you already check the BUY FROM tab on the page showing this rose?
Discussion id : 20-409
most recent 18 JUL 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUL 07 by bballsharon
Please help me find out if there is a location in Norther California where this rose can be purchased.
Discussion id : 17-622
most recent 27 MAR 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 MAR 07 by Dove Cochrane
I contacted Roses Unlimited to find out how large this rose will get.
Pat Henry says "It could get some 4 - 4 1/2 feet. This is a super plant."

I have to agree, it's stunning and the blooms seem to last a long time.
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