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'Remembrance' rose References
Book  (2017)  Page(s) 78.  
Andrew Gibson.  Roses on Commonwealth War Graves.  
....when it occurred to the CWGC that it ought to have its own special rose, Harkness suggested a poppy red seedling similar in colour to the poppies of Flanders.  It had all the desired qualities of low cushiony growth and length of flowering.  The CWGC Commission suggested it be named Remembrance but invited suggestions from supporters.  There were hundreds, but ‘Remembrance’ prevailed. The rose was launched at the Chelsea Flower Show in 1992.
Website/Catalog  (2007)  Page(s) 20.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (2007)  Page(s) 20.  
Remembrance Floribunda. (HARxampton) Harkness 1992... fiery scarlet... Dark, shiny luxuriant foliage is very resistant to disease...
Magazine  (2002)  Page(s) 44. Vol 96,.  
Peter Harkness: …..I have a problem with reds, due to red / green colour blindness. One I can appreciate and enjoy is Flor. ‘Remembrance’. (HARxampton). Its rich unfading shade of poppy red, deep and bright, makes it poignantly appropriate as the rose chosen for widespread use by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. The flowers are carried on short stems on low, neat growing plants.
Book  (Jul 1996)  Page(s) 37.  Includes photo(s).
Remembrance Cluster-flowered bush (Floribunda) Harkness (England) 1992 ('Harxampton') Description.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 494.  
Remembrance Floribunda, medium red, 1992, (HARxampton); 'Trumpeter' x 'Southampton'; Harkness, R. Description.
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