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'Abendröte' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 1.  
Hybrid Perpetual (OGR), orange pink, 1919, 'Frau Karl Druschki' x 'Juliet'; Ebeling; Teschendorff. Flowers light coral-red; compact.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 3.  
Abendrötte Hybrid Perpetual. (Ebeling, '19.) 'Frau Karl Druschki' x 'Juliet'. Paler than 'Mme. Edouard Herriot'...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 1.  
Abendröte (Hyb. Lutea) Ebeling 1918; Druschki X Juliet; salmon, continuous bloomer, 50cm
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 47.  
Hybrid Perpetuals .... Abendröte (Ebeling, 1920). Crab-pink.
Book  (1920)  Page(s) 136.  
Abendröte, H.P. (Ebeling, 1919.) Frau Karl Druschki X Juliet. Flowers somewhat paler in color than Mme. Edouard Herriot. A hardy variety of dwarf habit, blooming continuously from June to October.
Magazine  (Aug 1918)  Page(s) 48.  
Co. H. Kiese & Cie... A further crossing [of Druschki] with Juliet has light lemon-yellow blooms. Vigorous growth and great floriferousness is said to distinguish this sort. [not the rose bred by Ebeling]
Magazine  (Aug 1918)  Page(s) 48.  
The Rose Novelty Show on occasion of the Board meeting [of the German Rose Society] in Frankfurt...
We had reported extensively about the new originations of Paul Ebeling, Bernburg, on occasion of last year's show...We can only repeat what we said on p.71 of last year's Nr. 4:...
Druschki X Juliet has a reddish yellow colouring, blended with pink. She has two rows of petals and is fragrant. A further sort from the same crossing is semi-double, rhododendron-formed blooms, carmine-pink. Both sorts are of short but vigorous, uniform growth and very floriferous; they can find good use as park roses or for borders.
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