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'Blessings' rose Gardens
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—  A  —

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  1288 plants listed.  5 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

31 favorite votes.  

—  B  —
Niederösterreich, Austria C,L,P,R,V  Beatrice Audetat

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  176 plants listed.  629 photos.

14 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

United States C,L,P,R,V Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden

Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden.  1703 plants listed.  8386 photos.  USDA zone 9a.

73 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD.  

—  C  —

Rose, peony and clematis (limited public access) Garden.  3957 plants listed.  2715 photos.  USDA zone 9b.

52 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

—  D  —
Idaho, United States C,L,P,T,V Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden

Rose (member) Garden.  1399 plants listed.  13 photos.  USDA zone 7a.

31 favorite votes.  

—  G  —

Rose (public) Garden.  5619 plants listed.  19 photos.  USDA zone 9a.

24 favorite votes.  Average rating: GOOD+.  

—  H  —
Several, Portugal C,L,P,R,V  Henrique Rodrigues Vivián

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  1146 plants listed.  4535 photos.

52 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

—  I  —
Alto Moferrato, Italy C,L,P,V  Il Giardino dei Pigri (The Garden for the Lazy)

Rose (member) Garden.  326 plants listed.  256 photos.  USDA zone 7b.

14 favorite votes.  

—  J  —
Drenthe, Netherlands C,L,P,V  Jay-Jay's

Rose and clematis (member) Garden.  308 plants listed.  89 photos.

54 favorite votes.  

—  K  —
Greater London, United Kingdom L  Kristens lady garden

Rose (member).  89 plants listed.

—  M  —
United Kingdom C,L,T,V  Mattocks Roses Display Garden

Rose (public) Garden.  309 plants listed.

6 favorite votes.  

—  N  —
California, Ireland C,L,P,V  National Botanic Gardens of Ireland

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  274 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 8b.

2 favorite votes.  

Gelderland, Netherlands L,V  Neerijnen Castle garden

Rose (public) Garden.  82 plants listed.  8 photos.

3 favorite votes.  

—  R  —
Surrey, United Kingdom C,L,T  RHS Wisley Gardens

Rose and peony (public) Garden.  120 plants listed.

Ilha Da Madeira, Portugal L,V  Rosarium Quinta do Arco

Rose (limited public access) Garden.  1529 plants listed.

4 favorite votes.  

Budapest, Hungary C,L,P,R,T,V  Rose Garden Budatétény

Rose Garden.  901 plants listed.  19 photos.  USDA zone 6a.

15 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Val-de-Marne, France C,J,L,P,R,T,V  Roseraie du Val-de-Marne à l'Haÿ-les-roses

Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden.  2962 plants listed.  23 photos.

22 favorite votes.  Average rating: EXCELLENT.  

Tarn-et-Garonne, France C,L,P,V  Roseraie François Mitterand

Rose (public) Garden.  788 plants listed.  2 photos.  USDA zone 8a.

6 favorite votes.  

Western Australia, Australia C,L,P,V  Routley, Patricia & Robin

Rose (member) Garden.  587 plants listed.  135 photos.

34 favorite votes.  

Flemish Region, Belgium C,L,V  Rozentuin Coloma

Rose (public) Garden.  809 plants listed.  8 photos.

6 favorite votes.  

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