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'Double Hiawatha' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1920)  Page(s) 76.  Includes photo(s).
Novelty Climbing Roses
Poughkeepsie, or Double Hiawatha
This is indeed a remarkable Rose, and we feel safe in making the statement that it surpasses all other Roses of the rambler class. For many years past the Hiawatha has enjoyed the distinction of being the most brilliant and best of all the ramblers, surpassing in brilliancy its rival, the Crimson Rambler, and, unlike it, has mildew-proof foliage, but its flowers are single. Poughkeepsie is a sport of Hiawatha, and possesses the same vigorous habit, profusion of bloom and clean mildew-proof foliage of its parent, with perfectly double flowers in large well-formed clusters (see illustration), that are produced in such masses as to literally envelop the entire bush. The color is a brilliant ruby carmine with white at the center of each flower. In brief, Poughkeepsie excels in the brilliancy of color and profusion of its bloom, vigorous growth, abundant clean foliage and hardiness—the most beautiful and best rambler Rose. Large two-year plants each $1.00, $10.00 per dozen.
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