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'Buttercream Drift ®' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2022)  Includes photo(s).
Rose Name: Buttercream Drift® 'Meidevi' PPAF
Classification: Groundcover
Color Description: Light Yellow
Descriptive Characteristics: Drift® Roses are gxroundcover roses made easy®. Buttercream Drift® has light yellow flowers with cuplike petals that make a cheerful addition to gardens of all shapes and styles.
Bloom Size: 1.25 "
Petal Count: 20-25
Fragrance: very slight
Height/Habit: compact, very busy, 1 1/2' h x 2' w
Parentage: undisclosed
Hybridizer: House of Meilland®
Introducer: Star® Roses and Plants
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