PhotoComments & Questions 
Purezza  rose photo courtesy of Kim Rupert
Discussion id : 17-546
most recent 27 MAR 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAR 07 by pccrozat
i just bought a purezza
i am interested to know if in this photo purezza is free standing or growing onto something
any additional info on growing this rose would be welcome
thank you kindly
Reply #1 of 4 posted 25 MAR 07 by Unregistered Guest
Hi Pierre, this Purezza was an own root cutting planted in a fifteen gallon nursery can and grown into the ground. It sat upon other roses, eventually smothering them. You could say it was free standing or supported. It literally did what it wanted to do. Kim
Reply #2 of 4 posted 26 MAR 07 by Unregistered Guest
i read that banks are traditionnally pruned hard to make hedges. how did you prune yours? or did you prune at all?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 27 MAR 07 by Anonymous-97434
I only pruned this to remove growth which blocked the already over crowded path in front of it. In the community the garden used to 'live in', they've used traditional Banksia as free-standing shrubs for nearly thirty years. Annually, they machete the long whips from them to keep the bushes contoured to the hill sides and tops. Right now, they look as if they're covered with white and yellow snow. Banksia, and there's no reason Purezza can't be used the same way, is frequently used to cover walls by being attached to trellage along the wall, then sheared as if shearing a Podocarpus or Ligustrum. These roses will respond (at least in this climate) by filling in, becoming busy and dense. When the weather turns "spring-like", they'll pave themselves with the appropriate flowers. Banksia will bloom as long as the weather is appropriate. In coastal areas here, it can bloom the majority of the year. Where it's hot, it's only a few weeks. Purezza won't bloom long along the coast where it's cooler. Inland, where it is HOT, Purezza bloomed most of the summer for me. I hope it helps. Kim
Reply #4 of 4 posted 27 MAR 07 by Unregistered Guest
thank you for that info.
here we have hot summers so i hope that we will have a good bloom
thanks again for your help
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