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Years of Endeavour
p65 Towards the end of the 1920s Keith Copas left the family business and joined with James White in a partnership which was to only last a couple of years, ending with White's death. Keith then established himself in his own right, about 1930.

p102 Towards the end of the 1920s James ('Jim') White and Keith ('Joe') Copas joined forces as White and Copas, Rose growers and Nurserymen......White and Copas started trading fully by 1928, and the partnership continued for a couple of years until the untimely death of Jim White. They conducted their business at Brooklyn Park and traded extensively [in] roses.

p103 After the death of Jim White, Keith Copas continued trading as Copas Rose Nursery at the site on Henley Beach Road, Brooklyn Park. Commencement of trading for this business is dated from 1930.

[As 'Comtesse Vandal' was bred in 1932 and the White and Copas nursery traded from 1928-1930, these notes are included to discount the White and Copas Nursery sport mentioned in the 1961 reference. More probable is that the Australian sport emanated from the Copas Rose Nursery which traded from 1930 on. ]
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