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A probable amphidiploid of Rosa abyssinica and Rosa rugosa
(1987)  Page(s) 19.  
In the spring of 1955, I made the cross, R. abyssinica x R. rugosa. This is the story of how the union of these two diploids, each with 14 somatic chromosomes, yielded in the next generation a probable amphidiploid; that is, a tetraploid, each of whose cells contain 14 abyssinica chromosomes and 14 rugosa chromosomes.....
During the years 1964, 1965, and 1966, I grew ten seedlings of the diploid cross. To determine somatic chromosome counts I used leaf tips, which are more convenient to collect than root tips. I found that three were diploids, three were triploids (21 chromosomes), and four were tetraploids. I discarded the diploids and triploids and eventually saved only one of the tetraploids, bearing the number 67-305, as being the most likely candidate to be a true amphidiploid....
 I must be content with calling 67-305 a probable amplidiploid....
The bush is vigorous, up to six or eight feet, and appears to be intermediate between the ancestral parents. The flowers are single, an attractive bright pink, close to three inches in diameter, and occur in clusters of one to ten. They have little or no fragrance. Blackspot resistance is very good. As might be expected from the parentage, the armature of thorns is downright formidable.
In the spring of 1955, I made the cross, R. abyssinica x R. rugosa. This is the story of how the union of these two diploids, each with 14 somatic chromosomes, yielded in the next generation a probable amphidiploid; that is, a tetraploid, each of whose cells contain 14 abyssinica chromosomes and 14 rugosa chromosomes.
R. abyssinica is a musk rose which, by a report that I cannot verify, Rev. George Schoener received as a personal gift from Emperor Haile Selassie. He had it growing in Santa Barbara, then took it with him when he moved to Santa Clara. I first saw it there in 1952, growing just a short distance from the quadrangle of the old Spanish mission on the grounds of the University of Santa Clara. I saw it again in 1979. A large supporting trellis had been built around the giant bush. In full bloom it is indeed a thing of beauty.
The rugosa parent is, more precisely, R. rugosa rubra, which I imported in 1950 from B. R. Cant & Sons in England.
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