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Hummingbird Roses
Discussion id : 166-554
most recent 30 MAR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAR by Michael Garhart
Website seems DOA now. In fact, my browser (Brave) warns me to not try to enter further.

I did try the site's message system when the url worked a few months ago, but there was never a response. The shop browser was also completely vacant at that time.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 29 MAR by jedmar
Link removed, thank you!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 30 MAR by Nastarana
The proprietor told me via email that she was now focusing on selling locally and had not done much propagating last year. I thought she had a rather odd business model.
Discussion id : 140-841
most recent 6 MAY 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 MAY 23 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
I received 4 Austin roses from Hummingbird Roses today 5/6/23 for my zone 5a. The packing is excellent, and the leaves are 100% healthy. The roots are well-developed. This nursery cares for details and a friend in zone 4, Wyoming also testified to Mindy's integrity and attentive customer service.
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