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'Catherine Cookson' rose References
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 424.  
'NOScook', HT, lp, 1986 (Catherine Cookson) ... description
Magazine  (1999)  Page(s) 102.  
Eric Stainthorpe: Bobbie Thompson B.E.M.
Not many members will have heard of the late Bobbie Thompson but the increased success of his rose 'Yorkshire Lady'  is achieving at the Society shows indicates it is appropriate to write a few paragraphs on this unassuming Northumbrian who had roses in his heart......when Bobbie became interested in hybridising he formed a friendship with George Davidson of Newbiggin, also a hybridist. Bobbie's first commercial rose was 'Leicester Abbey' (E. H. Morse x Eroica) and George had the honour of naming his first rose as 'Catherine Cookson'.
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