“Savannah,” bred by Kordes Rosen in Germany, winner of the George & Edith Vanderbilt Award for Most Outstanding Rose of the Trials (Best in Show); the Pauline Merrell Award for Best Hybrid Tea; and the Cornelia Vanderbilt Cecil Award for Most Fragrant Rose.
Palatine. Nov 2015 Note: Apparently this rose will grow into a very large shrub.
6/15/2016- Growing well! I adore the flowers and the scent is nice. This spring there was a lot of disease around and savannah did blackspot.
3/15/18- finally got around to planting in the ground. 6/3/2019- pruned deep this spring, because this one so far wants to be tall and skinny (7 ft tall before pruning). 4/17/2021- sad to report that this one was killed by my dogs. :/