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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 20 SEP 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 SEP 18 by bumblekim
After studying the roses at the Mills Rose garden in Syracuse, among other things, I believe this should be a highly recommended rose. 1) The fragrance is perfect, just what you hope and expect a rose to smell. 2) Hardy through severe exposed zone 5 winters. 3) The flowers are so sumptuous, rich, and romantic looking that you would make a perfect display with the flower alone, it needs nothing else. 4) The REPEAT. This is one of the only ones in the OGR section of the garden that has a very reliable repeat. Just like many of the Hybrid teas, there is a big display of blooms in June, and then a smattering through the rest of the summer, then when it cools in September you will have at least 5 branches with clusters of flowers continuing to bud and bloom. The form can be trained on pillar, but is a lovely stand alone shrub with arching branches all around to create that romantic fountain effect.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 2 OCT 19 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Excellent review & and I agree. I have 3 Comte de Chambord for that reason. As own-roots they are compact. What are other old garden roses' scents comparable to Comte? I have Duchess de Rohan and I'm considering buying Sidonie (damask perpertual) from High Country Roses .. I don't know if Sidonie can measure up to Comte in terms of scent. Thanks for any info.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 19 SEP 22 by AGBTG
Sidonie has one of the strongest fragrances of old garden roses. It's stronger than Compte de Chambord or Rose de Rescht but of course they're all different. Sidonie isn't as sweet as the others up close but as it "ages" and what carries on the breeze is.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 20 SEP 22 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
thank you for the info. about scent.
most recent 9 JAN 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 APR 16 by bumblekim
Made it through the first winter 5b near Syracuse, NY with little die-back, about 6" above the ground are regrowing matched the snow line. Is up front near the road with no other protection with a cornfield (no windbreak) to the north.

Edit: Still doing well, Aumer of 2019. Is one of the most "upright" growing, all flowers at the top of each stem. Very distinct round leaves distinguish it from Olivia Rose, etc. It has topped out at about 3.5' in height
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 JAN 22 by ColleeninMhd
I love reading this! Bought a QoS this week!
most recent 13 DEC 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 APR 16 by bumblekim
Is regrowing strongly now (end April) after its first winter. It hadn't grown very much last year so die back brought it to just over ground level, but I gave no winter protection aside from about 6" of snow. Not in a sheltered spot. Zone 5b near Syracuse, NY
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 DEC 21 by ColleeninMhd
I grow this too! (I am from Syracuse, but live north of Boston now). I love reading your comments. I used to go to the Mills Rose garden often. I was there this past summer. I love seeing all the New Dawn’s there. That is where I discovered Palatine growers. It is a very special place. Now, as far as Boscobel, I am having a heck of a time keeping the bunnies away frond my 5 Boscobels. I have them in chicken wire cages now. The bunnies need to go!!!
most recent 11 DEC 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 OCT 18 by bumblekim
Why is it a Hybrid China? Wouldn't that mean it would repeat-flower? Also wouldn't that mean it was not hardy above z6 or 7?
Just ordered from Palatine Roses...
Reply #1 of 4 posted 5 OCT 18 by Patricia Routley
Reading the references may help answer your question. Start from the bottom and read up. This will give you a chronological overview.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 5 OCT 18 by Margaret Furness
Hybrid China tends to be a ragbag term, used by some (and disapproved by others) for roses probably bred in the 19th century, which clearly aren't pure "Old European", and usually not repeat-flowering (presumably first-generation crosses with repeat-flowerers). Some unidentified survivor roses here (zone 9b) get thrown into that category.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 6 OCT 18 by jedmar
The first generation of crosses of Chinas with Gallicas/Damasks etc in the 19th century inherited the once-flowefing characteristics of the European Roses. These were named Hybrid Chinas. Only subsequent crosses with repeat-flowering resulted in occasional or regular repeat. These later crosses were called Hybrid Perpetuals.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 11 DEC 21 by ColleeninMhd
I just ordered from Palatine today. I am thrilled to get into their crazy sale. How do you like Duchesse de Mont? I am in zone 6a. It will get morning sun 4+ I hope it is happy. I would like to know if by bushy, does it mound or have a rounding growth pattern. Does yours? Thanks!
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