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31 AUG 18
Planted in zone 5 along a path. Now after its second full winter (was planted 5/16, so technically it's third summer) it has really taken off, after little growth the first two years. Full clusters of lollipop-tangerine colored flowers, somewhat old fashioned looking. I was hoping for the more flat-topped "austin" look that many of he pictures, but each petal here has a tip/point. I get a lot of compliments about her! The color is unique, and mine are darker a vivid "coral" but very "pigmented" looking, not pastel at all. Might lose a few of the bottom leaves to BS but overall thriving with no fungicides.
6 JUL 16
First bloom 7/4/2016 on own-root plant from Edmunds. Thought it was a mislabel, a definite yellow, matches the pictures on this site in color and form. Looks like parent Distant Drums in form but not color. I prefer Distant Drums.
23 MAY 16
I planted a band (about 1 year old rooted cutting) of about 10" from Rogue Valley Roses. It was planted next to my Errinerung An Brod from Palatine Nurseries

About 3 weeks now after planting, the plant had only 5 leaves left!! It got Blackspot that bad and I think something (rabbit?) might have eaten the very top. The remaining leaves are spotted and pathetic looking.

I am going to have to try using a fungicide on this plant because I just want to have it get established, and then if it suffers a little blackspot usually the plant will live I will not use fungicide once established.

The good news is even before spraying, I am seeing tiny swollen buds of growth along the stem.

I noticed that a lot of the bands I planted were not accustomed to my level of sunlight and browned a little, where before the burned leaves fell, new stronger growth began to replace it.

Hoping to save Paul Fontaine because the pictures of the flowers are amazing!

Edit: He came back strong within a month and is outpacing any losses to blackspot. Has sent out about a flower every 2 weeks, and I will take his cage away soon! And I only sprayed that once at the beginning to save its life. I am hoping it just will be stronger now that it adjusted to its new home.
21 MAY 16
Trying a Distant Drums this season. The colors were captivating and I passed on a $38. bush in full bloom at an expensive nursery in North Syracuse , only to find it the following day at WALMART in full bloom for only $10.! It had the same supplier as well, Week's roses. Everyone is struck by how gorgeous it looks planted, and I bought a second one for my baby sitter!
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