HMF Admin
Initial post
6 AUG 12 by
The advanced search option doesn't really work. I am searching for any purple rose with a strong citrus fragrance. The first rose that came up on the 39 page list had a strong clover fragrance. I have been having this problem a lot. Any suggestions?
The ADVANCED SEARCH on HMF does not select fragrance for a rose by the fragrance notes that are often used in the descriptions, but only in the strength of the fragrance give by the breeder at the time of registration, or when they patent the rose.
To narrow your search, since you are a premium-member of HMF, you can add a few other plant characteristics. For example, you might want to add "class" to your search criteria. You could also add "introduced after, let's say, 1950 and that would narrow the search by setting a time period.
It takes a bit of practice to learn how to narrow a search, but once you get into it, I find it's kind of fun.
Smiles, Lyn
Just a progress report. We've been able to replicate the issue you reported. It's always very helpful when someone provides a precise example. On the surface it appears the fragrance type (ie citrus) is being ignored. The Advanced Search is quite complex software so it may take a little time to sort out the problem, hopefully not. We'll let you know when we have it corrected.
HMF Support
#3 of 4 posted
8 AUG 12 by
nancy, yesterday, u sent me a private message about Sweetness rose, i cannot respond because you have your peferences settings at not receiving private messages, so this is the only way i can contact you, if you want your questions answered you must change your settings and PM me back and i will be happy to answer.
My favorite, Shocking Blue. Intense sweet citrus fragrance!
The new comments section of the site is unusable today. Looks like you had another flood of spammers. I know it's not traditional HMF policy, but disabling guest posting would save you having to deal with a lot of crap, and would save legit members having it in their faces until you can deal with it.
Really, if someone does want to post genuine content it's easy to create an account. :)
Some people understandably do not want to create an account as internet footprints are often abused. We are working on alternate methods to discourage this type of activity but limiting posts to members is still an option under consideration.
The registrations pending page for the ARS is a tidal wave of spam and made up registrations. Its out of hand.
American Rose Society? I was curious, so took a quick look. Their site won't even load for me. All I get is a repeating gif of a rose. I still have no idea what their registration page is like (I was going to check through the process).
Caffeine, go to this: www.modernroses.org/
It's governed by the ARS within their site.
Click 'Pending Roses'. It's uh. Yeah. Loaded with tons of gibberish spam submissions.
I have tried contacting the ARS about this and other things since before Christmas, to no avail :) They don't respond to emails or phone. Will try again next week.... sigh.
... a valid point, thanks for the input.
The patent says, "Origin and Breeding Controlled pollination: ‘STEbigpu’ x ‘unnamed seedling’. " It is hard to read, but that is Stephen's Big Purple x Unknown. The code name suggests the seedling suggests it is their R. soul hybrid and something else, but it does not say it explicitly.
Thanks Michael. Changed the seed parent from 'Rina Hugo' to 'Stephens Big Purple'.
New pic up. Its pretty. Too bad not available here.
Missing lineage guess is (Sweet Chariot x Blue Nile) x Soulieana mix.
Yes. Not a fact, just an educated guess.
Just pondering how HMF could be more useful in analyzing an informed guess.
I dunno. I just leave notes. Sometimes for my own memory. Sometimes for others. Sometimes it goes nowhere. But at least its documented, so I'm happy with that.
Was 'My Hero' never released in North America? If not, I wonder why not. It seems to conform to the current fashion for many petaled roses in soft colors.
Yeah, seemed like a missed opportunity.
Best choice roses are not always selected for commercialization for a plethora of reasons that would leave most rosarians in a state of madness.
Some secrets should be kept for the mental health and well-being of society lol.
Often times, people only care if the juggernaut moves forward in time. Whatever and wherever that may be.
#11 of 12 posted
7 days ago by
Understood, but this rose is from an American breeder. One would hope, if not expect, that American gardeners would have a chance to buy it. Well. those of us who can afford the recently inflated prices.
The best roses on a variety of levels are often buried for a variety of reasons.
This seller no longer has Bring me Sunshine for sale.