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Discussion id : 167-524
most recent 4 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 days ago by joys of life
I'm in zone 6b, clay soil, and have Claire Austin growing in a part sun (morning shaded) location. The deer ate the strongest cane she put up (second year rose), so her stems are a bit floppy, but she made it through winter unscathed. Very healthy matte light green foliage, pretty, fat creamy yellow buds and absolutely beautiful flowers with pink stamens (the stamens don't seem to be mentioned anywhere but I love the color). The buds take quite a while to form and open, and they shatter after a few days. The fragrance I find not as intoxicating as some of my other roses.. it's a bit dry and woody/lemony, but strong. I planted her slightly under the roof line and I have not had one incident of disease. The flowers are not numerous so far but she's a consistent if slow bloomer. I'm enjoying this rose so far!
Discussion id : 167-521
most recent 4 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 days ago
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 167-517
most recent 4 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 days ago by Sarah Z5b/6a Michigan
In my Michigan 6a zone, I attempted to overwinter 5 roses in pots, Golden Celebration, Eustacia Vye,
Scentuous, Bolero and this one, Ruth Clements. The ONLY one to survive (even THRIVE) in my unheated 6a garage during many thaw/freeze cycles this unpredictable winter, was Ruth Clements. I consider that high praise.

She then got neglected this spring, and got devoured by sawflies, until I finally remembered to spray her. I also forgot to fertilize her at all. Despite that, she is a healthy size, and has about 4 big buds, and is just about ready to bloom. If I had fertilized her earlier, she'd probably be even bigger and have more flowers. She deserves a permanent spot in my garden.

Blooms were lovely pink with an apricot center, reminiscent of an english rose. Her scent was also very good, and bush health has been fantastic.
Discussion id : 167-515
most recent 5 days ago HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 days ago by Pereirelover
My specimen of Baronne Henriette Snoy came from Loubert and was planted in November 2023. Due to the extremely mild winter and spring nearly all roses started very early and also Baronne Henriette Snoy. New growth was rather bronze in color and to me her vigor reminded me of a Hybrid Tea. End of April the large buds appeared. It took a very long time for them to evolve and I noticed how densely packed the petals were. I wondered if she was going to be able to open them. Due to rain showers the outer petals turned brown but she managed to slowly unfold her buds. Glorious apricot, waxy petals curling in the typical Tea style, exquisite. Fragrance was moderately strong, a good Tea scent. The flowers of this rose definitely belong to the most beautiful Tea or Tea Noisettes. She doesn't like rain at all but during dry, warm weather, when her buds can unfold properly, she has no equal
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