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16 APR
The rain held off today until about 4:00 - so I was able to prune another 22 bushes. The scorecard is now 182 completed (or 87%) with 27 still to go.

I came across a few bushes that are slow to get going. First one I noticed was one of my Moonstone bushes - been a solid performer every year for me - I hope it will get growing. Also noticed a Brigadoon and Sunset Celebration in a similar predicament.

Still amazed how the big basal canes typically have more brownish pith closer to the base than does a cane one-third as big/thick. The thicker canes also seem to have more die-back. One of the rose-growing mysteries I suppose.

My ancient Dr. Huey climber is not coming back strong from winter, unlike the previous 4 or 5 years (since I started taking care of it). Doesn't make any sense to me since it was quite the mild winter. I'm waiting to prune it to see what growth does push out. Perhaps it's on its own Spring timeline that is later than nearly all of the other roses. My pruning in 2024 is some 3-4 weeks ahead of 2023, which was not completed until about May 10. As I indicated above, there are a few bushes that also seem to be on the 2023 timeline. I'll just have to wait and see with Dr. Huey. It may be time for a new climber in that spot at the back of the garage. That would be quite the excavation - digging out a Dr. Huey climber/rootstock that has been in the ground for about 30 years. Not looking forward to that challenge.
15 APR
Another 30 completed today on a beautiful sunny day. So, 160 are done and 49 remain - I am now 76.6% complete. Two more good days needed to finish. May have to wait until Thursday - rain expected the next two days.

Today I got to a rose that was really leafed out - a lesser rosarian might have said, "Looks Good" and moved on to the next bush. But I knew a hybrid tea needs to be pruned down to where there is decent cane thickness - so I pruned it. What rose is way ahead of all the others with Spring growth? Drumroll's the Pretty Lady Rose in the South Garden. Honorable mention goes to Marmalade Skies.

I put down 2 TBS of Epsom Salts around every bush that has been pruned. Wanted to do that prior to the rain. First time I have ever done that. I have used Epsom Salts before but always added to water being used for fertilizer or with alfalfa tea.
14 APR
28 were pruned today so now 130 completed (~62%) with 79 still to go. Temps reached 79 today here with sunny skies. Tomorrow should be similar albeit 5 degrees cooler.
13 APR
Life can mess up the best laid plans. Only 17 roses pruned today - now 102 completed (~49%) and 107 remaining, all in the South Garden.

It's amazing to me how leaves embed themselves intricately into the canes and prickles. It can take me over 5 minutes to remove all the leaves from a bush so that I'm not flying blind when attempting to prune it. Really extends how quickly a bush can be pruned.
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