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Initial post today by Nace
I really want this rose to work in my garden, but will be digging it up soon. The blooms are very pretty but infrequent, and only last 1-2 days. It also has TERRIBLE blackspot resistance, to the point of being defoliated for most of the season.
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Initial post today by Nace
Easily my most vigorous rose- I have to prune it at least 2-3 times a season or it gets really unwieldy. Blooms almost constantly with dozens of small, single layered flowers that last ~1 day at most. Generally unphased by heat or cold, and has great blackspot resistance, though no fragrance to speak of.
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Initial post today by Nace
This rose has been absolutely amazing in my garden in south NJ, USA. A bit on the tall side, but it blooms frequently in huge flushes of large, crisply colored flowers that hold their shape/color/form for almost 1.5-2 weeks. Especially helpful for me is that it has excellent BS resistance (BS is a massive issue where I live). No fragrance to speak of, but everything else about it has made it a great addition to my garden.
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Initial post today by Nace
Rose Listing Omission

Grace Rose Farm: Impressionist

Rose is an exclusive to Grace Rose Farm. Description from their website pasted below:

A unique blend of berry to white petals make this spray rose stand out in the garden. The constant blooming throughout the season and extended vase life make this special rose a favorite for so many occasions! Impressionist® is exclusively licensed to Grace Rose Farm in the US and was bred by our friends at Interplant in The Netherlands. Propagation is strictly prohibited.

Rose Type: Spray Garden Rose
Breeder: Interplant
Color: Berry to White to Cream to Pink
Vase Life: 7-12 days
Fragrance: No
Bloom Form: Cupped
Petal Count: 60-100
Growth Type: Rounded Shrub
Flowering: Repeat
Planting Season: Spring
Light Requirements: Full sun
Hardiness Zones: 5-11
Spacing: 3-4'
Height: 3-4
Width: 3-4'
Disease Resistance: Excellent, provide routine pest & disease prevention
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